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I Am Incomplete

A lot of us are deceived by the notion that we must reach completion in order to be content. However, reaching completion implies being a finished project & believing that we are finished implies that we have no more room to evolve. Somewhere along our growing pains, we were taught that the focus should be on the destination...the end...the goal. But the minute you are convinced that something has a final destination is the minute you stunt any further development in that arena. It's all about perception. There should be no end result, just a multitude of chapters. Every small particle of our life is integrated into some other component within us. I am not hollow but I don't ever want to feel complete. Because if I did, I would leave no room for greatness to enter my life, no room for new limits, no room for inspiring people, no room for more love. I want those subtle spaces to be magnetic to all the goodness life has to offer. I feel whole but I do not feel complete. I am forever an unfinished project.

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