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New Years Resolutions Are F#$kin Stupid

Alright, let's all brace ourselves for the whole, "New year, new me" bullshit that is to commence in less than 24 hours. Let's agonizingly scroll through our Instagram feeds, reading those obnoxious "Page 1 of 365" posts. I know I do not stand alone when I say New Year resolutions are stupid. I mean, hey, if you need the turn of a man-made calendar to fuel your desire for change, then by all means, do your thing. I just want you to know that you're completely contradicting yourself because that same man-made calendar is changing Example: July 22nd, 2015 will only come around once, the SAME WAY January 1st, 2016 will only come around once. Yes, that breakdown was necessary. What ever happened to carpe diem, people?! Seize the mother effin day. If you don't like something, change it, change it now, change it today...or at least try to. If you fail, you try again tomorrow. You do not have to wait until 2017 for your next attempt. Also, what the hell entitles January 1st to have so much power over you?! I'm sorry, but putting that much pressure on a date just leads to a whole lot of expectations & as we all know, 9 out of 10 times expectations tend to lead to disappointments (Clearly an optimist over here). Refocus your perspective; waiting for a fresh start is just another form of making an excuse; your beginnings and your ends in life should be defined by your will and nothing else, no one else. They are established on your terms and your terms only. Cut the "should" from your vocabulary.

So here's my challenge to you: make a bucket list & fill the hell out of that list. Write down all your hopes for yourself as a person (Fall in love? Get fit? Get rid of negative people? Start a business? Get into a school program? Buy a pet pig? Whatever floats your boat). Each year, make a plan to target certain parts of that life-list (Disclaimer: the falling in love one is not exactly in your power). Okay, please be realistic, don't plan to travel to China, France, Netherlands, Peru, India and Fiji in 2016 unless you A) Do not attend school. B) Do not have a job. C) Have a job that allows you to do that. or D) Are filthy rich, have no responsibilities and in return, I genuinely dislike you/secretly want to be you. Your bucket list could have something as simple as making a donation to someone in need or reading a book you've always wanted to pick up. It could be self-developmental: quit a bad habit, stop saying "yes" to people when you want to say "no," live in the now, not in the screen, stop being an a-hole, etc. These things will not only fulfill your year but they will fulfill your life, they won't let time creep up on you one day, tap you on the shoulder and say, "Sorry, you're too late." Time is a bit%# like that, it could be your ally one day and your most dreaded interaction the next. Establish your life, your mind, your soul and your body on your terms.

Here's to treating every day with endless possibilities. Carpe diem & I hope you have a safe and happy New Year!

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