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What's The Worst That Can Happen?!

I'm baaaaaack! Hi peeps! I know, I know, I suck at this whole blogging thing...but I promise I plan to try to maybe, hopefully, possibly, do better. So just to update you guys on my life since I disappeared, well, Im still working as a dentist - surprising right? Guess you can't really kill anyone while drilling out a cavity. I have been traveling...local. Sure, it hasn't compared to getting lost in Italy, being forced to run for miles in the smoldering heat to catch a train that is hopefully going in the direction that I need it to be going, but nonetheless, it's been good. However, I did visit Jerusalem in May & it was absolutely magical. Recently, I volunteered at the Chicago Marathon (because I thought waking up at 4am on a Sunday was a great idea) and I became so inspired by the runners that now I am considering, maybe, hopefully, possibly to run a HALF marathon because I'm just not about the 26 mile life...just won't happen but God bless all of you who have accomplished it. You, my friends are goals, you are insane, but nonetheless, you are goals. Other than that, I've managed to meet a ton of people this past year now that I'm officially not living in a library or classroom pointing my finger-gun to my head. Well, the finger-gun thing is still a daily occurrence but anyway, I digress. This year has probably been the most challenging for me on a personal level. Okay, so here I am, this independent 28 year old successful female with quite possibly one of the feistiest personalities constantly ready to go charging into the world and grab life by the neck. Well, it clearly doesn't work that ever. This year, that 28 year old quickly learned that the "Eye of the Tiger" was not her daily theme song & that there are some moments of clarity that only come after several swift kicks in the ass. I'm sure you can all relate to the times where you resented yourself for the way you handled a situation or just didn't handle a situation at all. You've probably dealt with people or circumstances that were not the healthiest to be around for months or even years. And for what? Really, what was the reward for putting up with whatever negative thing you faced? You don't get anything for perservering through bullshit that life likes to so playfully toss around. Forcing a friendship or relationship that is not adding any substance to your life will not give you brownie points to redeem on the next person who comes around. & putting up with a situation out of fear of the end result is unhealthy both psychologically and emotionally. So here we are...hopefully aware enough to realize that although we might not be able to grab life by the neck, we can redirect our lives to avoid the brewing shit storms. You hate your job? It's scary but whatever, just quit. The fear will drive you to find something better. Don't ever let "comfort" stop you from pursuing more especially when there is something burning inside you for more. If someone says or does something you don't like, verbalize it. Confrontation sucks but that inner voice saying, "I should've" will tune out any amount of remorse that confrontation yells. You have a crappy friend? Drop them...relationships of any kind require constant efforts; people don't get to just throw some good deeds in and expect a forever return on investment. You're unhappy with your relationship? Stop settling, have the uncomfortable conversation, put it out there, get it off your chest. What's there to lose? If that person doesn't like what you have to say or can't appreciate how you're feeling, then the odds are they are not cut out for you. & do not be foolish enough to believe that you will not find happiness after them. We all fail to realize that we are accountable for our own happiness. We fall into "comfort" and these unspoken expectations that we unenthusiastically live up to. Ask yourself this, what's the worst that can happen? You'll soon find that that question will allow you to tell someone "You suck" when a person sucks. & it'll help you stand your ground in moments that you are being bent beyond measure. It will teach you to say "no" instead of falling into an unnecessary obligation. & it will help you walk away from all the the unsubstantial things in your life. It is your life at the end of the day and I don't know about you, but I want mine to be filled with things that make me happy, people that give it value, a job that doesn't feel like work, and a relationship I fall more and more in love with every day. By doing so, I am only giving room for positivity to breathe and diminishing negativity's ability to linger. It's cliche but life is short. So again, what's the worst that can happen? At the least, I can guarantee you will have less regrets.

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