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Millenials...Y We Are F%#ked Up

Welcome to the world of Millennials, generation Y. We are also known as the Net Generation among many other titles. Social media is a part of our lives where we focus on who is doing what, who they are doing it with and where they are going. We proudly stand behind the fact that we have no sense of privacy. Our lives are solely lived to be broadcasted and appealing to others. By others, we mean people who have no substantial value to us. However, their opinion is imperative - those "likes" are gratifying, they represent value to us regardless of the meaning of what it is we choose to share. We do not have struggles or strife, if you don't believe us, scroll through our Facebook news feed - it will prove to you that our lives are filled with glamour, endless laughs, bomb-ass food, and high end materialistic items that are obvi of more of a priority than paying off our student loans. We are philanthropists at heart; we love to #PrayForParis, #PrayForTurkey, we want to #SaveSyria and let it be known that #LoveWins; we make sure those cries are heard with our hashtags. & when we do good, we simply want acknowledgment and a pat on the back. We are not self-entitled, we deserve to be recognized for our efforts, we all deserve first place, we deserve trophies for everything. Unlike our parents, we, the Peter Pan Generation want to stay young forever, we do so by not spending money to own a home, we rather live with our parents in NeverLand until give an eviction notice- what is a mortgage?? 401k? YOLO. That's why 75% of us are single. It has nothing to do with the fact that we make our dating choices by swiping right or left. Our dreams are very realistic though, we don't expect one way tickets to Hollywood, however being Instagram famous is a strong possibility. It's tiresome work; we basically post stuff using filtered pictures and get money for every post put on display. It's quite incredible. In fact, it has caused a social movement; 1-2% of the population now have Body Dysmorphic Disorder due to social media, that's only about 7.5 million people in the US, alone. Ripple effect is a wonderful thing - hello, Social Anxiety Disorder, Depression, and Obsessive Compulsive Order, come one come all. This is unintentional though, you see, we are very humble people, the one selfie a day motto isn't intended to scream narcissistic asshole, it's just necessary for our own self validation. I mean do you blame us? 70% of us check our phones every hour, the FOMO (fear of missing out) is real.

We are Generation Y, Y do we matter? Y should people care about the path we are heading as a group? This isn't ego talking, it is fact. We matter because in 2020, we will make up 50% of the workforce and shortly after in 2030, it will be 75%. That in itself should make us more than just social media obsessed people competing with others only to end up in self deprecation. We are the individuals who have grown up alongside technology and will forever use that to our advantage. Time Magazine says that the Internet has democratized opportunity for us, giving us access and information that once belonged mostly to the wealthy. That means that we can literally do anything because resources are lying at our fingertips AKA on our iPhones. Silver-spoons aren't always a bad thing, right? People need to remember that we are the generation of innovation; we have single handedly created the most apps used in the world. Remember that ripple effect? Here's where you applaud us for it #YESMillennials. Also, we are the most ethnically and racially diverse generation to date; goodbye racism, goodbye sexism, we will not miss you! Martin Luther King Jr would love us. Why don't we rebel and cause revolutions? Because we don't care about leaders, we are accepting of others and their differences. Gandhi would approve. Psychologists even say that we are a kind generation. Shoutout to Mother Teresa. By the way, where is our trophy for that title? 40% of us have gone to college and 66% of us vote because #YesWeCan. So take away the unbreakable habits of documenting our lives for public display and now you have the Echo Boomers. Our generation will echo; we will be known for the stocks going up, more households forming, leading to a recovery in real estate, the national income surging and lots more spending. We may just need to work on our priorities...maybe just a little. Don't worry, we'll post them on Twitter for you to see.

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