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Goodbye 20's ...Almost!



I joke (but I won't say no to donuts or tacos).

I also won't be dramatic and say I'm getting old AF because let's be honest, I am still in my 20's even though I am hanging on by a thread. I mean that literally, today I have officially turned 29 years old. 365 days from now I will forever part from the "2" that prefaces a second number, representing my excuse to be young and reckless (What happened to not being dramatic?). *insert grandma emoji* *insert eye roll emoji* *insert face palm emoji* *tell me to stfu*

Let me start this one with saying how exceptionally blessed I am for all the love I am receiving today, so thank you to every single one of you beautiful people who has reached out to me. What I love the most about my birthday though is how people use this day to tell me about my impact on their life. It's not narcism speaking; it's the quite opposite actually. By being flooded with other peoples' presence, I am reminded about how small I am, how I am just one human in a world of billions. But in these moments, I am also humbly reminded that despite how small I am, how minute my existence is, I have an ability to create a momentous ripple effect. It's insane to think that that my presence in this world has somehow influenced another soul, has somehow bettered something for them, has given them a moment of clarity even if it was just for a second.

The reality is I wouldn't be who I am today if it weren't for the situations in life that I've been presented with and the people I've came across in the process. We are all interconnected, whether it's through our bloodline or through the gases we are constantly releasing back into the world. I think that this is a concept that many people fail to realize; we get so caught up with ourselves that we stop recognizing the role we play in the world, how it is impacting every single thing around us and vice versa. It's only by accepting that the world is a part of us will it work with us and not against us. However, it's a two way-street and because of that, we need to partake in the hands of exchange. You get back what you give, that's just the reality.

So I am starting the first day of the last year of my 20's (so effin dramatic) partaking in the hands of exchange & sharing stuff I've wrote in my journal throughout my 20's. I'll be honest, I don't share much of my journal publicly, but here's to the "Power of Vulnerability,"

  • Know yourself so well that your able to navigate through your own chaos.

  • Disappointments, pain and grief are foreshadows to empathy, wisdom and strength.

  • If it doesn't move your whole being to a "Yes!" then it's a "No."

  • Holding on isn't always synonymous with strength, sometimes letting go is.

  • You are beautiful.

  • You are enough.

  • When you cannot hold yourself responsible for the well-being of someone's heart, let them go.

  • Stay away from people who make you feel like you are hard to love.

  • Be with someone who is so self-aware that they can only be shaken at their core, never moved.

  • Your struggles are just conditioning your muscles for all the weight they are able to carry.

  • Your fight is important, your heart will continually beat even while it screams, "No more."

  • You are not defined by people's actions, you are only defined by yours.

  • Failing is inevitable, recognize that and getting up won't look so daunting.

  • Not everything will come easy, sometimes it won't come at all and that's okay.

  • Love takes courage. Forgiveness takes kindness. Vulnerability takes strength.

  • See things objectively until you are given reason to see them subjectively.

  • Laugh at yourself. Be kind to yourself.

  • Society's expectations is not your norm. Your norm is what allows your heart and mind to fall in synchrony.

  • Don't fall for who they might be instead of who they are.

  • Find consistency in chaos + structure in instability.

  • Lace your spirit with an infinite room for elevation.

Alright, so there's a random array of shit I've reflected on and have come to a conclusion on the past several years. I guess I could've saved this for my 30th birthday but YOLO. Cheers to another year of f-bombs and sarcasm!


The Birthday Girl *insert princess emoji*

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