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Kill 'Em With Kindness

Heads up: Game of Thrones Season 1-4 spoilers are in the 4th paragraph. Basically, don't yell at me for mentioning them.

Hey peeps!

Someone hold me accountable for this whole monthly blog thing, would ya? I am cutting it short with my August deadline. In my defense though, I've been working on relocating my website because the software I currently use is not friendly. It's like using an Android when I'm made for Apple (Sorry not sorry, Android users, #TeamiPhone). Do I sound like a snob? *shoulder shrug* With that said, it means that all my lovely subscribers will have to re-subscribe to my site and those who are not subscribed, wellllll....*ahem* ---> CLICK HERE NOW! Actually, scratch that, I'm relocating my site so I'll harass you later.

Do you guys believe it's almost September already?! 2017 is in as much as a rush as the Game of Thrones writers were for Season 7 (I still don't understand the point of going "Beyond The Wall"). Don't get me wrong, Fall might be my favorite season. Well, it's a toss up between that and summer obvi because the only tolerable thing about winter is when Jon Snow says "it's coming" and spring is not a real thing in the Midwest. By the way, since I'm on the topic of weather, let's all reach out to Houston and help because what they're going through right now should not be taken lightly. Many people have been displaced from their homes due to the flooding that Hurricane Harvey caused, so reach out and help. I'll even make it easy for you, click here to donate to the Red Cross, every bit counts. Kindness counts.

I'm not going to go full fledge Mother Teresa on you guys, but I am going to continue with the topic of being kind because I genuinely believe it is something that is undervalued and often overlooked. In a world filled with absolute sh*t, kindness matters. When there are disastrous floods, kindness matters. When people are getting banned from a country on the basis of their ethnic orientation or religion and when inhumane shootings happen, kindness matters. When someone is having the most horrible day, kindness matters. If kindness brings people together in the darkest situations, then just imagine what it can do when things are not that bad.

Being a good human should be a given in life regardless of how many assholes we all know. Why? Because by being a jerk, you're taking the easy way out; being a shitty person is easy, it means genuinely not caring about anything. It is synonymous with selfishness, arrogance, rudeness, and cruelty. Think about it, think about a person in your life who you label as an "a-hole," and ask yourself "Why?" Guarantee your answer is going to be one of the above: selfish, arrogant, rude, cruel. Its quite simple, don't be any one of those things because the antonyms to those words make you for more likable: generous, humble, polite, kind. Those qualities make you more memorable in a positive way. Everyone wishes Ned Stark was still alive, no one gives a damn about Joffrey, ya feel me? BTW, sorry about all the Game of Thrones references, I'm still on a high from Sunday's finale.

Pay it forward in a drive thru window: Start a ripple effect good mood.

Open the damn door for the person behind you: Your muscle will recover.

Say "Thank you.": It's common effin courtesy.

Volunteer at a charity: You'll realize how much you really have.

Donate to disasters: Spend the $1 on helping someone instead of spending it on coffee or a pack of gum.

Do not honk at someone unnecessarily: The poor soul could have a screaming toddler in the back seat.

Don't say mean things: Just stfu?

Chain reactions people, chain reactions. Let's bring the world together in a time when Trump is tearing us apart (kidding, kind of).

Alright, until next time kiddos!

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